我说我喜欢你的歌,我不知道这算不算是一件好事。 我说我喜欢你的词,总是道出我心中不欲人知的事。
You Don't Exist, Go Away!
SSH asks me to go way because of ntp clock skew
What I Have Learned From CMU CS Education
What I Have Learned From Writing a Kernel From Scratch
Last semester, I took the course 15410 and wrote a kernel from scratch with my partner. I learned a lot from this course and the kernel project. Following is what I have learned:
- Never Failed Functions
- Comment on Why
- Synchronization
- Error Handling
- Why Writing a Kernel From Scratch
- Misc.
Which Intent Will You Get After Android Relaunches the Activity
Imagine that you launch a singleTop
activity using intent A and then launch it again using intent B. As a result, activity’s onNewIntent
method is called and inside this method you call setIntent
to store the new intent. After that, Android decides to relaunch the activity. Now we have the question: which intent will you get after Android relaunches the activity? The original one(A) or the latest one(B)?
Send an android.os.Message whose what is 0 and then remove it, which unexpectedly removes all posted Runnables
Does Your App Have a Rock Solid SSL Connection
SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)是目前广泛用来加密网络通信的加密协议。它的一个著名应用就是HTTPS,也就是使用SSL协议对HTTP进行加密从而使得整个通信更加安全。对于一个移动应用(其他类型的客户端也同理),为了保证其和服务器的通信安全,开发者就会使用SSL来加密客户端和服务器之间的通信。这样理应是安全的,但由于很多开发者使用方式不对,导致客户端和服务器之间的SSL通信会受到中间人攻击(Man-in-the-middle attack),从而使得安全性荡然无存。本文将首先介绍下SSL和中间人攻击的原理,然后会提供一个中间人攻击的实例,最后本文介绍该如何防止中间人攻击。
Review on American Dreams in China
- 合伙人的品质
- 老大的品质
- 和比自己优秀的人在一起
- 老俞的安眠药
A Close Look Into PHP Zval
最近研究了一下PHP variable的内部实现也就是zval,以及引申出来的Copy on Write, Reference等概念和机制。为了检验一下我是不是真的弄懂了,一个好的方法就是看能不能把它清楚地写下来并让人能够读懂。
Who Are You
这两天在研究新浪微博的第三方插件实现,无意中发现通过利用新浪微博的某个URL能让我获取当前访问这个URL的用户的微博uid。也就是说只要在某个网站中嵌入一段代码,这段代码在后台偷偷地访问那个URL,然后就可以把访问这个网站的用户的微博uid获取到,于是隐私就被泄露了…… 也就是说一个网站可以知道有哪些微博用户访问了它,然后可以就此采取一系列的措施……