2020,世界很复杂。贸易战,美国大选,全球气候变暖,贫富差距扩大化等热点问题影响着我们每一个人。如果你也对这些问题感兴趣,我推荐你阅读《Good Economics for Hard Times》。这本书可能会带给你一些不同的角度来看待这些问题,有些甚至可能完全颠覆你以往的认知。以下是我的读书笔记:
这本书分析了两类移民对当地人的影响,分别是低技能移民(low-skilled immigrants)和高技能移民(high-skilled immigrants)。
很多人认为低技能的移民会伤害到低技能的当地人的利益:工资会降低,工作机会会被抢走。然而研究表明低技能的移民并不会降低当地人的工资和就业率。移民增加了劳动力的供应的同时也增加了劳动力的需求 (One very big problem with the supply-demand analysis applied to immigration is that an influx of migrants increases the demand for labor at the same time it increases the supply of laborers.)。一个原因是低技能的移民会在当地生活消费,从而产生了新的需求,因而创造出更多的工作岗位。比如移民的增加,使得管理者需求增加而本地人因为语言等的优势更容易获得这些岗位。另一个原因是廉价的移民劳动力会延缓机器化自动化的发生。另外低技能移民很多做的都是当地人不想干的活,因此并没有真正从当地人手中抢走任何工作。同时作者认为当地人并不一定会在和移民的竞争中落入下风。相对于一个新来的陌生移民,当地人有着自身的优势,比如语言的优势,老板知根知底的优势。
全球化和自由贸易可以使得每个国家做自己拥有比较优势(comparative advantage)的活,以此提高生产效率(productivity)。这个世界作为一个整体因此受益,而收益的再分配可以让每个人享受到全球化的成果。而为了达到效率的最大化,资源(比如资本和劳动力)需要能够自由流通到需要它们的地方。然而本书却提出了资源往往具有粘性(resources tend to be sticky)的观点,也就是说资源往往到不了最需要它们的地方。比如出于不确定性,人们更愿意留在家乡而不是到更需要劳动力的城市和国家。
同时作者分析了全球化和自由贸易对于发达国家和发展中国家的影响。发达国家的优势是资本而发展中国家的优势是廉价劳动力,因此全球化会使发达国家的资本家受益而发展中国家的工人受益。另一方面,发达国家资本家受益的同时,它们的工人会在和发展中国家廉价劳动力竞争中受损(Workers were likely to suffer from trade in rich countries and benefit from it in poor countries.)。为了帮助受影响的发达国家工人,国家需要进行收入再分配和各类政策扶持。而贸易战却不是解决这个问题的方法之一,它帮助了某些人的同时也会伤害到另外一些人(While trade war may save some jobs in steal, it would likely cause significant new damage to others. The US economy will be fine. Hundreds of thousands of people will not.)。
本书提到了现在社会充满了对立,分裂和偏见的现象(比如民主党vs共和党,白人vs黑人)。作者认为现在的社交网络非但没有缓解这些现象,反而作为一个回声室(echo chamber),恶化了它们。作者还认为人们的对立和偏见背后有着深层次的原因(比如对世界的不满,感到没有被世界尊重)。打击偏见的方法不应该是直接和他们就此争论或者表现出对他们的鄙视,这样做只会加深偏见(Preferences like prejudice are as much part of the symptoms of the malaise as its cause, perhaps more. Prejudice is often a defensive reaction to the many things we feel are going wrong in the world, our economic travails, and a sense that we are no longer respected or valued.)。为了缓解这些现象,作者认为一个有效的方式是多接触,多互相了解。而学校在这一方面扮演了非常重要的角色。不同背景的年轻人生活学习在一起,可以消除偏见达到互信(Familiarity performed its magic.)。而这也是像哈佛这样培养未来领导人的学校需要招收各个族群学生的一个原因,过多的偏向某一个族群会产生不好的影响(As a flagship producer of the next generation of leaders, Harvard clearly needs to find a place for students from all social groups, and a massive overrepresentation of any particular social group relative to its weight in the population is both perhaps undesirable in a democracy and likely to lead to political problems.)。
本书的一个重要观点是人们目前还不知道持久经济增长的内在机制是什么,包括如何恢复增长和保持增长(Despite the best efforts of generations of economists, the deep mechanisms of persistent economic growth remain elusive.)。与此相关的是给富人减税并不会促进经济的增长(Tax cuts for the wealthy do not produce economic growth.)。另一方面,尽管无法带来持续的经济增长,但提高资源利用率,减少资源的错误分配还是能让贫穷国家获得一定的增长,而这需要克服之前提到的资源粘性问题。最后虽然没人知道如何持续不断的增长经济,但所有国家都能致力于改善国民的福祉,即使它们不能被反映在GDP上(GDP values only those things priced and marketed.)。
日益扩大的贫富差距也是本书的一个重点讨论议题。作者认为美国这几十年的贫富差距是人为的政策导致的而不是不可控的技术革新(The last thirty years of US history should convince us that the evolution of inequality is not the by-product of technological changes we do not control: it is the result of policy decisions.)。
首先作者认为先富带动后富并没有真正在美国发生,相反富人的财富得到了极大的增长,而穷人的工资涨幅却没有跟上GDP的涨幅,结果就是社会的财富越来越集中到少数富人手中。其中一个重要原因是富人的低税收。低税收使得高工资对CEO们更有吸引力(因为大部分工资都会变成税后工资)而公司之间对优秀CEO的争夺也相应拉高了工资。另外现在CEO主要的收入来自股票而不是基本工资,这也就使得他们对涨工资动力不大,反而会想要降低工资来削减成本从而提升股价(Linking managerial pay to the stock market meant that manager’s pay was no longer linked to a salary scale within the enterprise. When everyone was on the same scale, CEOs had to grow salaries at the bottom to increase their own. With stock options, they had no reason to increase wages at the bottom, and in fact every reason to squeeze costs.)。作者提倡对富人收取高额的税收,并且没有证据表明这样做会降低富人的工作积极性(All in all, therefore, it seems to us that high marginal income tax rates, applied only to very high incomes, are a perfectly sensible way to limit the explosion of top income inequality. They would not be extortionary, since very few people will end up paying them; top mangers will simply not get these kinds of income anymore. And from all we see, they won’t discourage anybody to work as hard as they can.)。另外作者也意识到征收富人税会面临极大的困难。一方面富人有足够的资源对政客进行游说,另一方面富人可以将财富转移到低税收国家进行避税,而国家之间对于这些财富的竞争会使得税率变低(This gives rise to a race to the bottom on tax rates.)。归根到底征收富人税并不是一个经济问题,而是个政治问题(The difficulty of raising top tax rates is a political one.)。
在富人越来越富的同时,美国的穷人却遇到了收入停滞和阶级固化的问题。由此他们会产生绝望或愤怒,绝望的人把问题归咎于自身而愤怒的人把问题归咎于别人(The majority of Americans whose wages and income have stagnated, and who confront an ever-widening gap between the wealth they see around them and the financial woes they are experiencing, face a choice between blaming themselves for not benefitting from the opportunities they believe their society offers and finding someone to blame for stealing their jobs. That way lies despair and anger.)。而这两种情绪对个人和社会都没有益处,绝望的人失去了希望而愤怒的人把问题错误地归咎于移民和全球化(Behind the anti-immigrant views, are two misconceptions: an exaggeration of how many migrants are coming in, or about to come in, and a belief in the nonfact that low-skilled immigrants depress wages.)。作者认为政府需要出台政策来帮助那些受全球化和自由贸易影响的人,其中一个方法就是UBI(universal basic income)。不像别的救助项目,UBI没有任何门槛(比如没有复杂的申请和审核流程)因此可以保证最需要帮助的人能够享受到。另外没有证据显示穷人会因此降低工作积极性或者乱花钱(There is no support in the data for the view that the poor just blow the money on desires rather than needs.)。相反地,这些钱能让穷人少了后顾之忧,让他们有更多的精力放在工作之上,让他们更可能离开家乡去寻找更多的工作机会。在有着这些优势的情况下,实施UBI最大的困难就是政府没有足够的钱。
最后作者充满人文关怀地提到对于穷人的帮助需要照顾他们的尊严,要把他们当作人来对待。他们可能有问题,但他们不是问题本身(While they may have problems, they are not the problem. They are entitled to be seen for who they are and to not be defined by the difficulties besieging them.)。