Jiajun Yao

Stay hungry, Stay foolish.

Linux PID

In the Linux world, pid means two things. It’s the id of a process from POSIX’s point of view and the id of a task from kernel’s point of view.


Microbenchmark is used to measure the performance of a small piece of code for the purpose of performance optimization. Writing a good microbenchmark is hard and that’s why we should use microbenchmark frameworks (e.g. JMH for Java and Google Benchmark for C++) to help us. This post contains microbenchmarks that I think are interesting.

HugeTLBFS Read Bug

Hit a Linux kernel bug that read() returns wrong data if it crosses a hugepage boundary.

Jonathan Lee

我说我喜欢你的歌,我不知道这算不算是一件好事。 我说我喜欢你的词,总是道出我心中不欲人知的事。

What I Have Learned From CMU CS Education
